Cropping and horticulture associations

Follow the below links to find a comprehensive list of Australian cropping and horticulture associations that will be able to support your farm with navigating the energy transition:

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Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC)

The ASMC advocates on behalf of its members on a range of policy, regulatory and legislative topics to add value and deliver benefits for the sugar value chain.

T: 0411 933 500

Australian Cane Growers’ Council Ltd

CANEGROWERS is a not-for-profit public company providing a professional and cohesive voice for the members of 13 local grower companies, located in all of the sugarcane regions of Queensland.

T: (07) 3864 6444


Australian Cane Farmers

The Australian Cane Farmers Association represents cane farmers from all over Queensland and New South Wales.

T: (07) 3211 0022

Cotton Australia

Cotton Australia is the peak body for Australia’s cotton growers, representing up to 1,500 cotton farms mainly in New South Wales and Queensland, but also in northern Victoria. Cotton Australia works with growers and stakeholders to ensure the Australian cotton industry remains viable, valued and advanced.

T: (02) 9669 5222


Grain Growers Limited

GrainGrowers is a leading voice for Australian grain farmers, representing their interests at a national and international level.

T: (02) 9286 2000


Grain Producers Australia

Grain Producers Australia (GPA) represents Australia's broadacre, grain, pulse and oilseed producers at the national level.


NFF Horticulture Council

The Horticulture Council builds upon the work of the NFF to advocate for the best interests of all Australia’s farmers.

T: (02) 6269 5666

Ricegrowers' Association of Australia Inc.

The Ricegrowers' Association of Australia Inc. (RGA) represents more than 1200 voluntary members, and supports growers on issues affecting the viability of their business and communities.

T: (02) 6953 0433


Australian Fresh Produce Alliance

The Australian Fresh Produce Alliance is the first choice industry body that retailers and government go to for discussion and outcomes on issues involving the growing and supply of fresh produce.



AUSVEG is the prescribed peak industry body for the Australian vegetable and potato industries. To help our growers and our industry succeed, we focus on core activities and are guided by values that underpin everything we do.

T: (03) 9882 0277


Summerfruit Australia Ltd

Summerfruit Australia Limited (SAL) is the industry voice on a national and international level. It is recognised by government as the peak industry body for growers and works closely with other interested groups, government and supply chain partners to maximise profitability for the industry.

T: 0417 809 172


Australian Institute of Horticulture

Since 1960, the Australian Institute of Horticulture has represented professional horticulture practitioners across Australia, to encourage and develop relationships with affiliate and like organisations to deliver the highest quality and productive results to any horticultural project.

T: (02) 8001 6198



Growcom delivers services across the entire horticulture industry – to businesses and organisations of all commodities, sizes and regions, and across the value chain. While Queensland-based, Growcom delivers national-scale projects and policy initiatives. 

T: (07) 3620 3844


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